Eulogia EDU

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Frequently Asked Questions

Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) is a process that allows individuals to receive formal recognition and credit for the skills, knowledge, and experience they have acquired through work, life, or previous education. It provides an opportunity to attain qualifications without having to undergo formal training if the individual can demonstrate competency in the required areas.

RPL is available to anyone with prior learning or experience, regardless of whether it was obtained through work, volunteering, or informal education. It is particularly beneficial for individuals who have practical skills and knowledge in a specific field but may not hold formal qualifications. RPL assesses the individual’s existing competencies against the requirements of a specific qualification, allowing them to gain recognition for their skills and potentially fast-track their learning journey.

The RPL process typically begins with a skills assessment to identify the individual’s current competencies. Once eligibility is determined, an RPL specialist will guide them through the process. This involves gathering evidence of their skills and knowledge, such as work samples, references, certifications, or portfolios. The evidence is then assessed against the relevant qualification criteria by qualified assessors. If the individual meets the requirements, they will be awarded a formal qualification or receive credit towards further education or training. The process is designed to be flexible, personalised, and focused on recognising an individual’s existing capabilities.


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